19 February 2010

Health Insurance Increase.

One of the benefits of working for the US Government is that we can carry our healthcare insurance into retirement.  There are a few caveats.  The amount is deducted from the pension in post tax dollars after retirement.  Pre-retirement the cost is deducted pretax.  And it is for the monthly amount. This has made us think long and hard about how to budget for the month.  

As part of the retirement the agency I work for gave me a rough estimate of  my pension and the deductions.  Yesterday they wrote to inform me that there was a change in my health insurance costs.  It went up from $276 to $396.  This is no gold plan, just a standard option for family. 

Of course, what this means is $120 less each month for other expenses.  I want to thank all those representatives and senators who think that my freedom to chose a plan is more important than my ability to pay for the plan.  As we get older our health care needs will increase.  But if the costs keep going up, I won't be able to afford the plan.  Hey, maybe that is the plan...

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