Haven't been keeping this blog up to date, but outside of work it really hasn't been a lot going on. Johnie and I have really talked a lot about where would be a good place to retire. The US was first on my list, but the cost of living would leave us strapped financially. And finances are a real consideration. Language is not an issue, and this left a continent open to us. We both liked Argentina, but they offer very little incentive for retirees. While I was not able to get a definitive answer, it seemed that the Argentinian govt charged taxes on income brought in. And they tax your furniture etc and you can't bring in some things like tvs. And since Uncle will also tax my retirement, Argentina had a definite drawback. Long and the short, Argentina was dropped from the list.
So we went looking for other places that had things to do and an agreeable climate. That pretty much took Panama, my wife's country, out of the running. The climate is hot and humid. Volcan has a nice climate, but not much to do. Boquete is too much like living in the US. We have decided on Ecuador. Actually, an easy choice as we have lived here (in Quito) since August 2006.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Cuenca to make a last visit before we decided. We had the opportunity to meet some of the expats there. Gerard, Larry and Leslie were very helpful. Had the opportunity to look at a lot of neighborhoods and a couple of houses. Cuenca seems to fit the bill. And so, Cuenca it is.
In October my wife will go to Cuenca to look for a residence for us and rent it. We are looking for a house as we are bring our "commadre" and "hijado" with us.
We will use November to do any painting etc that has to be done and in the beginning of December we will have our pack out. Some of our stuff will go to the kids and the rest will come with us.
Next, hopes and dreams for retirement.